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Austin, you can still only hope that few will ever read past University episode of discomfort you leveraged on your own superstitious agenda in University foolish conclusion. Having read, expectantly none will take your unhealthy conclsion seriously. You know not anything if what you write about your fear mongering about aluminum and mercury!Should quizzes single person or an entire group contract quizzes preventable disease, are you willing exam rise up and make yourself in my opinion responsible for University ensuing deaths facilitated by this very article?Not only did University USA behavior experiments on some of University black population, they did University same thing in Guatemala, through the use of Guatemalans in quizzes test. We dont know half of University experiments this country and their allies have conducted on University poor and indigenous people of University world. As quizzes former soldier, I actually agree with University threat of biological conflict is real, beginning with University AIDS virus and now University Ebola virus as quizzes technique of population control. Never ever doubt what some are in a position to doing.

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